What kind of authorizations are necessary in Italy to renovate properties?

First of all, there are three levels of “property renovation”. Let’s see which ones exactly.

1. Ordinary and Extraordinary Renovation (for example flooring, screeds for systems, new systems, etc.).
2. Light Renovation and Heavy Renovation (for example substantial internal changes involving load-bearing walls or pillars, linear renovations that do not involve new constructions previously not permitted, etc.).
3. New Construction (for example construction of new building or major modifications that substantially modify aspects of the building).

For the three levels above mentioned, in order it’s necessary to request:

CILA (stands for “Comunicazione Inizio Lavori Asseverata” – authenticated communication of the beginning of the modifications/works).
SCIA (literally “Segnalazione Certificata di Inizio Attività” – is a certified communication of the beginning of the works for renovation that involve the structure).
PDC (stand for “Permesso Di Costruire” – is the Building Permit).

We specify that of the three administrative procedures, only the third (PDC) is subject to authorization. The first two, however, are communications sworn by a technician authorized according to Italian law, who, depending on the type of intervention necessary, assumes responsibility for what is declared while respecting the contents of the current urban planning legislation.

For all three procedures, the Italian public administration has the power to veto or request new documentation.

The most usual procedure in Italy is the SCIA, which includes the plurality of cases.

SCIA may require authorizations from other public administrations. Let’s see which ones and when.

Civil Engineering = when renovations involving structural works.

Superintendence = when there are particular conditions to be respected (house subject to respect for architectural decoration or for example building subject to respect for the hydrogeological conditions of the land on which it stands).

In summary:

– Make a plan of the interventions you want to carry out by defining the spending budget.
– Appoint a technician authorized by Italian law.
– Together with the technician, present the most suitable procedure for your needs, saving time and money!